Exploring a Decade of Actor-Centred Power (ACP) in Forestry: Past Milestones and Future Horizons

The special issue explores a decade of Actor-Centred Power (ACP) in forestry research, reflecting about its impact, diverse applications, and future potentials. Call for papers – Forest Policy and Economics | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier Exploring a Decade of Actor-Centred Power (ACP) in Forestry: Past Milestones and Future Horizons Over the past decade, the Actor-Centred PowerContinue reading “Exploring a Decade of Actor-Centred Power (ACP) in Forestry: Past Milestones and Future Horizons”

Unraveling the Amazon: A Master’s Thesis Research in Brazil

I came to the Brazilian Amazon as one of the last steps on my study about the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Symrise (a German company), and Natura (a Brazilian producer of cosmetics). More specifically, on how a partnership they formed affected Non-Timber-Forest-Products (NTFPs) gatherers’ livelihoods. I will tell you more about the subjectContinue reading “Unraveling the Amazon: A Master’s Thesis Research in Brazil”

The Santa Maria treasure hunt: a weekly blog series of field adventures

Week 1: The first plunge I arrived one week ago in San Francisco de Veraguas, a small town in the middle and upper section of the Santa Maria River basin in Panama . I’m here to collect information for my MSc thesis project, focused on understanding the role of grassroots movements in watershed governance.

Adventure in Tanzania: Fieldwork amid the pandemic

Mambo (what’s up in Swahili)! I’m Kendisha, a doctoral student from Indonesia under the WoodCluster project. This year, amid the pandemic, I was finally able to undertake fieldwork in Tanzania, from March 8th (which is women’s day) until June 5th (environment day). My topic is about the potential role of forest farmers’ organizations in linkingContinue reading “Adventure in Tanzania: Fieldwork amid the pandemic”

A pilot project on Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration in Uganda

I’m called Jjemba Bonny, an alumnus of MSc Tropical Forestry from Uganda. I completed my studies in 2019 and my research project was done on Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) in Mubende District, Uganda. FMNR is a simple land restoration technique that involves regeneration and management of trees from living stumps, roots or naturally growing seedlingsContinue reading “A pilot project on Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration in Uganda”